Mary Sosety is 35 years old and has just given birth to her second daughter by Caesarean section and has benefited from the free care through the UNFPA C-section kits. Living in Fort Dauphin, Anosy region, she preferred to come to the Ambovombe Regional Reference Hospital Centre, Androy region, to give birth. As a regular contraceptive user, she used injectable contraceptives for 7 years and stopped using them once her spouse decided to have the second baby. 9 months later, the baby is born, healthy and is in the best conditions. She has already received counselling on postpartum family planning and is deliberately considering a long-term approach. "I was operated on by caesarean section in my first delivery, after which I adopted contraceptives. We, my husband and I, chose injections because we wanted to space the birth of our children well. Now that our daughter is 7 years old, we decided together that we were going to have our second child. Now we have two daughters and we are determined to not have any more children. “After the discussions we had with my doctor, I seriously and voluntarily plan to adopt either a long-term method or a definitive method," she said.