Ambovombe, 12 November 2024
In the heart of Androy, in southern Madagascar, where drought is severe, the risks of sexual exploitation and abuse are high:
"Our region faces famine due to drought, attracting multiple actors, which increases the risk of sexual exploitation and abuse. However, people do not dare or do not want to report cases for fear of losing assistance.’’ said Mr. Simon RAVELOJAONA, coordinator of the One Stop Center (CPCI) in Ambovombe.
With UNFPA and other partners, awareness campaigns to empower communities were carried out in the region. Soazara, a young woman, attended a session on complaint mechanisms for gender-based violence and sexual abuse and exploitation in Fokontany Mitsangana, in Ambovombe:
"Before this session, I didn’t know where to seek help or report violence. Now, I understand the steps to take and the support available," she shared.
Thanks to CERF funds, over 127,000 people have been informed of their rights, are better equipped to speak out, seek justice, and access the care they need, fostering a safer and more aware community.