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Modestine, Social Worker, person living with disabilities

Modestine is a social worker based in Tamatave specialized in psycho-social support for people living with disabilities.

"I have been a victim of discrimination and violence since my childhood, I am aware of the difficulties and problems that people living with disabilities endure every day. Their life is a struggle! Wherever they are, in their homes, schools or communities, they suffer abuse and are often marginalized and stigmatized. In Madagascar, a child living with a disability is not treated the same as a normal child in the home. Instead, they are a burden to the family and their disability is often economically exploited. People living with disabilities are deprived of certain rights, mainly sexual and reproductive rights," she says.

People living with disabilities are deprived of certain rights, mainly sexual and reproductive rights,

Given this situation, she is committed to defending the rights of minority groups, such as the rights of people with disabilities, so that everyone can live their rights and make their choices freely.

"To ensure that everyone's rights are realized, I take action as much as I can. I participate in awareness raising activities and care for survivors of gender-based violence. Serving my peers and listening to them is both my duty to them and my passion."