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Alexandrine, 29 years old, single mother of 03 kids

"I decided to leave my husband and live with my parents because I could no longer stand the violence he inflicted on me.

Lacking sufficient resources to feed my little family, I approached the Listening and Legal Advice Center of Majunga to ask for advice. I received psychosocial support and was also proposed training in income-generating activities, which included a choice of four different courses.

I decided to leave my husband and live with my parents because I could no longer stand the violence he inflicted on me.

After serious thought, I chose the pig farming training because it is highly profitable as you can make money very quickly.

After receiving inputs and starter kits, I started my project two months ago. So far, my business is doing very well and I believe that this business will change our lives and restore my dignity.

To all the women who are victims of violence, let's remain courageous and approach the centers to benefit from adequate care. Let us be independent! Life will smile on us one day!"