Nirina Alphonsine, 39 years old, divorced and mother of 2 kids
"My husband left me after I was raped by his older brother in 2020 during a lockdown. After that I lived alone with my children.
I approached the Listening and Legal Advice Center of Majunga to ask for advice following this incident. I decided to go to court during which I was assisted by the center. I also determined to live a new life and I broke up with my husband.
I started a small food shop to support myself and to send my children to school.
With the limited resources I had at that time, I started a small food shop to support myself and to send my children to school.
In 2021, I was invited to participate in a training program in Income Generating Activities, which included 4 optional courses.
I chose " commerce " since I have already familiarized myself in this field. I have been able to improve my business with other items thanks to the funding I was allocated after the training.
So far, my business is doing very well and my living conditions have improved."